Training Facilities

605 E. Bloomingdale Avenue
Brandon, Florida 33511


We are located behind Brandon Equine Medical Center for Horses. Turn in the driveway for Brandon Equine Medical Center and follow the road to the back. Please continue to your right and enter through the metal gates to the right of the building.

On the right side of the gate, there is a black button on the gate box that you will need to get out and push and the gate will automatically open (and then close). Please do not use the intercom button; that is for the equine clients only. 

Please be aware that this gate closes automatically also. Two cars may fit through at a time, but definitely not two RVs.

Please be very cautious when opening the gate manually because it is an automatic gate and we do not want anyone getting hurt.

You will follow this road all the way to the back towards the agility field.


Anyone seen going over the speed limit will be asked to leave immediately. Please, please follow this rule for the safety of the horses/dogs.

On your way out, please follow the road to your right around the building and through the metal gates. This time the gates will open “towards” you. To clarify – when you enter you drive around the building to your “right” and when you exit you drive around the building to your “right” again. You will never drive down the same road on the way out and on the way in.